Community Support

Supporting the community by providing Medical and Dental camps for the poor and challenging men to serve their community.

Community Support

Bengal’s Hope has been training and supporting leaders in the community. Bengal’s Hope has been meeting with military leaders, political leaders, veterinarians, doctors and more. Their goal is to assist these leaders to have better influence and help their communities. Our solution to encourage these leaders has been developing and learning material to teach them in many different areas. Bengal’s Hope has hosted a Medical Camp, Dental Camp, Vet Camp, Support in the Pig Business, and even Cake Decorating.


Capacity in Health

Bengal’s Hope has collaborated with local doctors and dentists to provide clinics, treatment, and care to children and families in West Bengal, especially in areas near the tea plantations. In 2020, BH hosted a children’s dental camp for 60 children. In 2021, they hosted dental and eye camps for 250 children. BH expanded their health training in 2020 to include the coronavirus, as cases in the corridor increased and the city was put on lockdown due to high rates of infection and hospitalizations. BH trained 320 individuals in 2020 and 500 in 2021 on coronavirus prevention. BH vaccinated six community volunteers. To provide food and nutrient supplementation during the pandemic, BH distributed dry food goods to 480 people during 2020 and 350 people in 2021.

BH has also partnered with American veterinarians to train local community members to become veterinarian assistants. As a result, they can provide basis services including deworming, vaccinations, horn filing, and hoof care for farm animals so that their animals are healthier.  In 2020-2021, BH trained four veterinarian assistants.


Encouraging Men to Be Leaders

Bengal’s Hope leads a Men’s Program to help men become leaders in their communities.  The men meet regularly with local political and military leaders to share information about Bengal’s Hope programing and provide encouragement. In 2022, the men worked together to improve community esthetics by cleaning and brightening the streets in neighborhoods and hosting a movie night for youth. Bengal’s Hope holds trainings at local fellowships and trips to the mountains for guys to hang out and get on a deeper level with each other and learn about accountability and dealing with their past. 100 men have been trained so far as well as Resources Developed and several trips taken.


Community House

Bengal’s Hope has also provided a meeting space for youth and youth leaders. BH has a community house to provide a place for rest and relaxation for volunteers and training Western and Indigenous workers. BH has hosted trainings and volunteers at the home.


NYC Café & Bakery


Child Protection