NYC Café & Bakery

Bengal’s Hope started the NYC Café and Bakery to help young women get out of the dangerous tea industry in West Bengal, India. This opportunity helps young women avoid labor trafficking, sex trafficking and abuse. Working for the NYC Café and Bakery also teaches these women important skills and training for a brighter future.

Helping Tea Workers

The café was set up a non-profit business entrepreneurship tailored to help women working and growing up near the tea gardens. Tea workers in India face problems of child labor, gender discrimination, and wage theft. Farmers working in tea garden’s often find it difficult to leave the industry. Women and young girls are frequently at risk for sexual abuse and human trafficking. Those that live and work near the tea plantations also risk injury from wild elephant. The café was designed to help young women move beyond the tea industry. Bengals Hope has one bakery café and has trained six women of whom four work full time.

Our Girls

We employ and train girls from poor backgrounds primarily from the tea gardens in the foothills of the Himalayas. We seek to build into these girls life skills and confidence.

Other Impact

There are many other ways NYC Café and Bakery has impacted the community. It has provided a place for us to meet and share with the local youth and youth leaders. We also meet with local men to encourage them in their lives. It has brightened up the street, hosted fun events and there are future plans of movie nights and other activities for the community.

Training & Job Skills

The goals of the café were threefold: economic empowerment through employment, providing training, job skills and confidence. Bengal’s Hope has helped and employed many women and taught them many skills from baking, decorating, customer service and working with money and sales.

NYC Café & Bakery sells 1,000 cakes per year!


Goals and How You Can Help

Bengals Hope plans to open one more café in 2022-2023 to train and empower more women in West Bengal. Each café cost $9500 to launch. Ways you can help is by praying, giving towards those financial goals or even going to volunteer and work at the café.

New York City Café and Bakery


Community Support