Sports Club

Bengal’s Hope started a sports club in the village for at risk youth to not only enjoy but to have mentorship, coaching and support.

Starting a Sports Club

Before Bengal’s Hope, there were no sports clubs for the poor kids in the city of 2.1 million and that there are many kids in need of a positive influence in their lives. Bengal’s Hope saw the need to reach these kids in the villages and is working on meeting that need through sports and games. There are many issues kids face growing up on the tea plantations and there are hundreds of these tea plantations all over the northern region of the state of West Bengal. The kids in these regions are at risk for sexual abuse, drugs, alcohol and poverty.

Bengal’s Hope sees sports as a way build relationships with the youth from the tea gardens and their families.

Bengal’s Hope helped gather kids and started a small village soccer club. They noticed there was little resources or equipment. Many kids were wearing shoes 2 sizes too small and there was only one ball for the whole village. Bengal’s Hope then bought soccer balls, cones and other equipment for the kids!

About 30 kids so far, have had a chance to participate and now have this sports club as a positive influence and activity in their lives!

Goals to Grow

Bengal’s Hope plans to grow this program to focus on 4-6 tea gardens this year. The goal is to form a kid’s league throughout the region. The league would focus on coaching as well as mentorship after practice. This would really impact the lives of these youth and provide them with a positive influence and support. Another goal would be to have additional help from volunteers who have a burden for helping the youth through sports to come and help us expand.

Bengal’s Hope is working to incorporate all sports into their sports club including, Soccer (football), Flag Football, Cricket, and other games like Kickball or Ultimate Frisbee.

To grow the program, Bengal’s Hope is looking for locals to help grow the program and coach the kids.

If you would like to give to the Sports Program, please notate so in the note section before submitting your donation. Bengal’s Hope is a 501c3, all donations will be tax deductible. All taxes and accounting is done by CPA Donald Potts.


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